Find Homeowner Leads Wholesalers (Cambridge, MA)

Geopoint Data specializes in producing real estate leads and segmenting them out just for you. Choose from Distressed Homeowners, Reverse Mortgage Properties, Motivated Landlords, and many more. Get started with our list builder to generate leads for Cambridge, MA and most locations nationwide.

We enjoy helping real estate professionals by providing motivated seller leads and watching them turn into profitable real estate investment deals. Instant access to at least 10 types of real estate leads including Motivated Seller leads, Motivated Landlord leads, Absentee-Owner Leads, etc. Get started today. Please contact us via email or phone if you have specific list requirements. We work with many real estate professionals by providing premium and/or custom lists to realize maximum profits.

Data Available For Cambridge, MA

Motivator Flag Count (est.)
Vacant 1738
Low Income 495
High Income 1976
Low Credit 72
High Credit 9970
60+ 3392
Empty-Nesters 1192
View all of the motivator flags with our list builder.
Popular cities in Massachusetts: Lowell, Springfield, Boston, Worcester